CHANDIGARH: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann on Tuesday dared Leader of opposition Partap Singh Bajwa (Bhajpa) to stop day dreaming as his aspiration to become CM of state will never turn into reality.
In a statement issued here today, the Chief Minister said that Bajwa (Bhajpa) is building castle in air by issuing baseless statements over the issue. He said that these imaginative statements of Bajwa are inspired from his ambition to become the Chief Minister of the state. Bhagwant Singh Mann said that the Congress has already shattered the dreams of Leader of opposition in the past and now also his aspirations will never bear fruit.
The Chief Minister said that it is strange that Bajwa is talking about toppling a democratically elected government. He said that of Bajwa is so daring then he must talk to his high command over the issue. Bhagwant Singh Mann said that the Leader of opposition is living in fool’s paradise over the issue and is issuing baseless and irrational statements to mislead the people.
The Chief Minister said that he has been elected by more than three crore people of the state and Bajwa should refrain from dreaming about nefarious designs to attain power. Bhagwant Singh Mann dared leader of opposition to refrain from humiliating the verdict of people else the residents of state will teach a lesson to him for this sin. He reminded Bajwa that he is a mass leader whereas leader of opposition is notorious for his dirty tantrums.