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Campus Buzz

Aided College Management Federation to Intensify Agitation against Punjab Govt over Centralized Admission Portal and Retirement Age Row

Punjab News Express | February 20, 2023 04:56 PM

AMRITSAR: The meeting of the executive committee of Non-Govt Aided Colleges Management Federation (NGACMF) was held at Hans Raj Mahila Maha Vidyalaya (HMV), Jalandhar and it was decided not to conduct admission on the centralized online portal as proposed by the department of higher education, government of Punjab. They said that the Colleges are already conducting online admissions on their own and the state government should not force them for centralized admissions, which is `discriminatory’ and full of flaws.

The meeting was chaired by Federation President Rajinder Mohan Singh Chhina, and it was unanimously decided by the members of the executive that time has come to further intensify agitation against state government over admission portal which is detrimental to the interests of the Colleges and rather serves the interest of the private Universities.

Discussion were also held on retirement of college teachers at the age of 58 years and Federation asked the government to roll back its decision otherwise managements will be forced to relieve the teachers. This, they said, will lead to unnecessary litigations and harassment of the teachers and the onus of such a large scale unrest in the institutions of higher learning will be on the state government
The executive reviewed the ongoing developments taking place with respect to the sensitive issues confronting higher education. Federation vice president Ramesh Kumar Kaura, General Secretary SM Sharma, Secretary Agnese Dhillon, Advisor, Ravinder Joshi, Principal Dr. Khushwinder Kumar, Dr. Mehal Singh and others were present in the meeting.

They unanimously condemned the callous and stubborn attitude of the government over the issues. They announced that no College shall participate in the `discriminatory’ Centralized Admission Portal which is being implemented by the department of Higher Education arbitrarily without going into the merits and consequences.

“What is the need of the centralized portal when there are abundant seats available in colleges and there is shortage of students as the youth from Punjab is flying to foreign countries for greener pasture”, said Chhina. SM Sharma added that there is no demand from any of the colleges for such a portal and it is being enforced without giving serious thought and the government is adamant to implement it without taking into account the concerns of the colleges.

Executive members reiterated that 95 per cent grants in aid scheme of the government of Punjab should be implemented in its original form and tinkering with the service conditions of College teachers should be resisted at all cost. They reiterated that they are against the centralized admissions and not the online admissions as already the process of admission in different colleges has started.

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