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How to Calculate Probable Score with JEE Main Answer Key?

December 19, 2018 05:57 PM

 As per the official news, JEE Main Answer Key will be released online after the conduction of the exam. National Testing Agency (NTA) will itself publish the official answer key for JEE Main exam. The students will be able to access their performance and know their score. By this way, the students can check their performance in the exam before the commencement of the result. The JEE Main Answer Key will be available online, therefore the students will be required to log in to their systems and access the key.

This is an excellent way with the help of which the students will be able to calculate their probable score and know where they stand. This will be a helpful way for a student to know his level and will work hard in the next attempt if required. Students need not to get disheartened if they score low, in fact, it is an opportunity to start preparing early for the next attempt to be successful.

The officials say that after the official release of JEE Main answer key if a student is not satisfied with his/her marks and feels a doubt then he/she has full authority to raise questions and challenge the JEE main official answer key. Students can raise their voice and can put forward their problem. A Students will be given enough time to raise objections to the JEE Main answer key.

 Calculate JEE Probable Score

 The students must know the correct method in order to calculate the probable JEE scores. A correct marking scheme and procedure has to be followed by the students to calculate JEE Result. Otherwise, the students will end by calculating the wrong score and this will not serve the purpose.

For each correct answer, 4 marks will be given to the students and 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. Keeping this point in mind, the students have to calculate their probable score as per the JEE main answer key.

  • Also, there are certain steps that need to be followed by the candidates in order to calculate their scores.
  • As soon as the official answer key gets released, students will have to download it from the official site.
  • After the downloading of JEE main answer key, a student is expected to calculate his score carefully.
  • Make sure while a student is calculating his/her probable score he/she is following the official marking pattern set by JEE.
  • At the end of the calculation, a student will come to know his final result and will have an idea of his ranking.
  • Likewise, a student can also decide about the college in which he wants to take admission.

As we know from 2019, JEE Main will only be conducted in an online mode. Therefore, it becomes important for a student to get an idea of his marks through JEE main answer key because it becomes pretty troublesome to get an idea of marks in an online exam. JEE Main will be conducted in January on different days and at multiple locations.

JEE Main Exam Pattern for 2019

Most probably the exam pattern for JEE main will be same as that of the previous year but students must keep solving the sample papers released on the official website because that will give an idea of how the actual paper for JEE main 2019 is going to be. There will be total 90 questions and each section will comprise of 30 questions each. The nature of the questions will be objective type only and each question will have 4 alternate options. Out of 4 options, only one will be correct. Maximum marks for each section will be 120.

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