Saturday, July 27, 2024


Punjab's Covid data amongst most reliable and efficient, sets high standard in Panedemic

PUNJAB NEWS EXPRESS | June 10, 2021 09:32 PM

CHANDIGARH: While most governments across the globe have been pilloried for their stark Covid data inconstiencies, Punjab has set high standards in pandemic data reliability and efficiency.

Disclosing this the government spokesperson said that right from the time Covid struck, Punjab's effective response against the deadly virus onslaught has been nurtured on data, scrouplously collected and maintained by the state health authoritues.

It is because of the pinpointed data and its analysis that Punjab has been able to weather the tough situation much better than many other states during both the waves, the spokesperson added.

Punjab's pandemic data reliability has set the high standard where many others have been found wanting, the spokesperson said referring to a media report in The Print.

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