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How to stay focused on studies ?

December 13, 2019 03:55 PM

Set aside a fixed place for study and nothing but study. Do have a place for study you can call your own ? As long as you are going to study, you may as well use the best possible environment. Of course, it should be reasonably quiet and relatively free of distractions like radio, TV and people. But that is not absolutely necessary.

Several surveys suggest that 80% of a student’s study is done in his or her own room, not in a library or a study hall. A place that you use for studying and doing nothing else is the best of all possible worlds. After a while, study becomes the appropriate behaviour in that particular environment. Then, whenever you sit down in that particular niche, you’ll feel like going right to work. Look at it this way; when you come into a classroom, you sit down and study by paying attention to the teacher. Your attitude, attention and behaviour are automatic because in the past, the room has been associated with attentive listening and not much else. If you can arrange the same kind of situation for the place that you earmark for your study, you will find it easier to concentrate and study.

Before you begin an assignment, write down on a sheet of paper the time you expect to finish. Keep ‘a record of your goal setting’. This one step will not take any time at all; however, it can be extremely effective. It may put just the slightest bit of pressure on you, enough so that your 'study behaviour' will become instantly more efficient. Keep the ’goal sheets’ as ’a record of your study-efficiency’. Try setting slightly higher goals in successive evenings. Don't try to make fantastic increases in rate. Just raise it a bit at a time.

Strengthen your ability to concentrate by selecting a social symbol that is related to study. Select one particular article of clothing, like a scarf or hat. Just before you start to study, put on
the cap or set your little idol on the desk. The ceremony will aid concentration in two ways. F irst of all, it will be a signal to other people that you are studying and they should not disturb you. Second, going through a short, regular ritual will help you get down to study, but be sure you don't use the cap or your idol when your are writing letters or daydreaming or just horsing around. Keep them just for studying. You must be very careful about this.

If your mind wanders, stand up and face away from your study material. Don’t sit at your desk staring into a book and mumbling about your poor will power. If you do, your book soon becomes associated with daydreaming and guilt. If you must daydream, and we alldo it occasionally, get up and turn around. Don’t leave the room, Just stand by your desk, day-dreaming while you face away from your assignment. The physical act of standing helps bring your thinking back to the job. Try it I You’ll find that soon just telling yourself, ”I should stand up now, ” will be enough to get you back on the track.

Stop at the end of each page and count 10 slowly when you are reading. This is an idea that may increase your study time and will be quite useful if you find that you can’t concentrate. If someone were to ask you, ”What have you read about ?" and the only answer you could give is, “About thirty minutes, " then you need to apply this technique. But remember, it is useful only if you can’t concentrate -- as a sort of emergency resort.

Set aside a certain time to begin studying. Certain behaviour usually is habitual at certain times of the day. If you examine your day carefully, you’ll find that you tend to do certain things at predictable times. There may be changes from day to day, but, generally parts of your behaviour are habitual and time controlled. If you would be honest with yourself, you’d realise that time controlled behaviour is fairly easy to start. The point is
that if you can make studying or at least some of your studying habitual it will be a lot easier to start. And if the behaviour is started at a habitual time, you will find that it is easier to start. And if the behaviour is started at a habitual time, you will find that it is easier to get going without daydreaming or talking about other things.

Don't start any unfinished study just before the time to start studying. Most people tend to think about jobs they haven’t finished or obligations they have to fulfil, much more than things that they have done and gotten out of the way. Uncompleted activities tend to be remembered much longer than completed ones. If we apply that idea to the habit of daydreaming, you might suspect that uncompleted activities and obligations would be more likely to crop up as a source of daydreaming than completed ones. Therefore, when you know you’re about to start studying because it’s the time you select to begin, don’t get involved in long discussions. Try to be habitual with the time you start and be careful what you do before you start studying. This can be one way to improve your ability to concentrate.

Set small, short-range goals for yourself. Divide your assignment into subsections. Set a time when you will have finished the hrst page of the assignment, etc. If you are doing math, set a time goal for the solution of each problem. In other words, divide your assignments into small units. Set time goals for each one. You will find that this is a way to increase your ability to study without daydreaming.

Keep a reminder pad. Another trick that helps increase your ability to concentrate is to keep pencil and paper by your notebook. If while studying you happen to think about something that needs to be done, jot it down. Having written it down, you can go back to studying. You'll know that if you look at the pad later, you will be reminded of the things you have to do. It’s ‘worrying about forgetting the things you have to do' that might be interfering with your study.

Relax completely before you start to study. One approach to concentration is to ask yourself, " Do study and bookwork scare me?" If you have to do something unpleasant, something that you know you may do badiy, how do you react 7 Probably you put it off as long as possible, find yourself daydreaming and would welcome reasons to stop studying. If you do react this way, you might be said to suffer from learned book-anxiety. The key to breaking this book-anxiety daydream series is learning how to relax. When you are physically, deeply and completely relaxed, it is almost impossible to feel any anxiety. Associate the book with relaxation, not with tension and anxiety. When you study, study; when you worry, worry. Don't do both at the same time. Don't mix them up.

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