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PPCC president Raja Warring writes to Punjab CM demanding action against Haryana HM Anil Viz

PUNJAB NEWS EXPRESS | February 22, 2024 12:25 AM

CHANDIGARH: In response to the reprehensible treatment of Punjab farmers by the Haryana police at the Haryana-Punjab border, a delegation representing the Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee submitted a formal communication to the Chief Secretary of Punjab, addressed to the Chief Minister of Punjab, Bhagwant Mann, on February 15th. With no discernible action taken in the interim, Amarinder Singh Raja Warring, President of the Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee, has corresponded directly with the Chief Minister, urging swift intervention on behalf of the affected farmers.

In a sternly worded letter addressed to the Chief Minister of Punjab, the President of the Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee underscored the necessity for immediate action and exertion of pressure by the Punjab government to facilitate the filing of FIRs against Anil Vij, the Home Minister of Haryana, as well as the Superintendent of Police, Ambala. The PPCC Chief deemed the actions of the Haryana Police against Punjab farmers as unlawful and in violation of constitutional principles, citing instances of excessive force including the deployment of rubber bullets and tear gas against demonstrators who were lawfully and peacefully assembled within Punjab's jurisdiction.

Expressing profound concern, Amarinder Singh Raja Warring highlighted the dissonance evident in the Aam Aadmi Party's posture in Punjab, purportedly advocating for farmers' interests while failing to take substantive action against instances of police brutality and abuse of power targeting peaceful demonstrators protesting against the policies of the central government.

In the wake of the Haryana Police's actions, numerous farmers sustained grievous injuries, with tragic consequences culminating in the brutal killing of a 21-year-old farmer in broad daylight on February 21st, attributed to police gunfire.

Consequently, the PCC Chief issued a stern warning asserting, " If no action is taken by the Aam Aadmi Party government in interests of our state and it’s farmers, and FIRs are not registered against those responsible for the attacks on our farmers, Punjab Congress and the people of Punjab will hold the state government equally responsible for any further injuries or deaths. Also, if no timely action is taken and the Punjab state unit of AAP continues to falsely propagate their support for the farmers, Punjab Congress will protest aggressively against the state government in order to force some action in favour of Punjab and it’s people.”

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