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Jathedar while awarding the 'tankhah' said Langah cannot become a member of any gurdwara committee for five years

AMRIK SINGH | November 27, 2022 09:56 PM

AMRITSAR: Giani Harpreet Singh the Jathedar AkalTakht highest seat o sikh religion eligion while awarding the 'tankhah' said Langah cannot become a member of any gurdwara committee for five years.

The Jathedar of Akal Takht, on Saturday awarded religious punishment to former minister Sucha Singh Langah, who was excommunicated from the community five years back.

This decision was taken following a meeting of the five Sikh high priests held here on Sturday.

Akal Takht Giani Harpreet Singh addressed Langah while announcing the tankhah and said that if Langah apologized to the Sangat, Langah loudly repeated five times that, "I have made a bad mistake, I apologize to the Sangat."

The ‘tankhah’, religious punishment as per Sikh tenets, imposed by Jathedar Giani Harpreet Singh paves the way for reinstatement of Langah in the Sikh fold. Jathedar asked Langah to perform ‘sewa’ (selfless service) in the community kitchen of the Golden Temple for 21 days and also clean utensils and listen to religious hymns here.

The Jathedar while awarding the ‘tankhah’ said Langah cannot become a member of any gurdwara committee of the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee for five years.

Sri Akal Takht and has been given 21 days tankhah (punishment) by the Panj Singh Sahibs. Listening to kirtan one day in front of Sri Akal Takht Sahib, by singing Guru's verses, prepare langar from home for the dhadi jathas of those who glorify the Guru and give Rs 5100-5100 hundred rupees to all the dhadi jathas

Langah was ex-communicated by the Akal Takht from the Sikh community in October 2017 after he was booked in a rape case from which he was later acquitted. A video showing him in an objectionable position with a woman had also gone viral on social media at that time. On Saturday, he appeared with folded hands before the five Sikh head priests led by the Jatehdar Akal Takht.

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