KAITHAL: The police is continuously making the general public aware about cyber crimes as per the instructions of SP Upasana. The police is also continuing to arrest cyber criminals. While investigating the case of blackmailing of lakhs of rupees by making nude video calls, the team of police station cyber crime in-charge Inspector Shiv Kumar arrested the accused Mohbat, a resident of village Sahasan in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan as per the rules.
Police spokesperson said that as per the complaint of a resident of a colony in Kaithal, on March 22, 2023, he received an unknown video call on WhatsApp. When he received the call, there was a naked girl in it. When the girl asked him to take off his clothes, he refused. Later, a person named Rahul called him and said that the video of the girl who had made a naked video call with him had gone viral on social media. Because of that the girl committed suicide. He also sent a clip to the complainant and said that a complaint has been lodged against him. If you want to get the FIR cancelled, you will have to pay cash. In the name of getting the video deleted and stopping the complaint, the accused cheated him of Rs 13 .47 lakhs.
Regarding which a case was registered in the cyber crime police station. The spokesperson said that the accused was earlier lodged in Mumbai jail in some other case. For whose arrest in the said case, production warrants were issued through the Honorable Court. The accused was arrested as per rules on February 20 and police remand of the accused for 6 days was obtained from the court. During the remand period, cash worth Rs 20, 000 was recovered from the possession of the accused. On Monday, the accused was sent to judicial custody as per the order of the court.