Saturday, July 27, 2024


Iraq's Kurdistan regional parliamentary elections set for Nov 18

IANS | March 27, 2023 10:21 AM

BAGHDAD: The government of Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdistan region has set November 18 as the date for the regional parliamentary elections.

Dilshad Shahab, the spokesperson for the Kurdistan region presidency, said on Sunday in a press conference that the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Nechirvan Barzani, decided the date for the elections and called on the regional authorities and the Independent High Elections Commission to prepare for the elections.

"We call on the representatives of the United Nations to help us make the elections a success, " Shahab said while reading Barzani's statement.

In October last year, the regional parliament voted to extend the four-year legislative term for one more year after the Kurdish political parties failed to hold regional parliamentary elections set previously on October 1, 2022, Xinhua news agency reported.

The last regional parliamentary elections were held on September 30, 2018, with the Kurdistan Democratic Party taking the lead with 45 seats, and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan coming in second place with 21 seats out of 111.

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