AMRITSAR: “Be the Change You Want to See in the World”, to keep this spirit alive, World Peace and Understanding Daywas celebrated at the Department of Education, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. Dr (Prof) Amit Kauts, Head Department of Education and Dr (Prof) Deepa Sikand Kauts, Dean, Faculty of Education presided as the guests of the event.
Annually World peace and understanding day is celebrated on 23rd February 2024 to re-establish the lost order and maintain a peaceful decorum in society.The program started with university prayer and lamp lighting ceremony.
Addressing the students, Prof. Kauts remarks “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."He further stressed that every individual is responsible for the ultimate peace and we need to reflect that.when the world is facing wars, the resultant by-product is only alienation and fragmentation. He further reiterated that as teachers and mentors it is our collective responsibility to reorient the generation about the importance of peaceful existence. Prof. Kauts appreciated the thought of celebrating this day in the department as it would help to sensitize the nation builders about the value of peaceful co existence.
The students of B.Sc (ECCE) hosted the event and organised competitions in the various fine arts fields that is Poster Making, Collage Making, Slogan Writing and Cartooning on the theme Peace and Understanding.
“Service above Self” is the motto of World Peace and Understanding Day. The World Peace and Understanding Day celebration aims at creating an understanding among the people about the importance of knowing about the significance of life and the essential role played by the individual in molding ourselves. It is the individual perception through the senses which creates reality and the truth, it is important to understand the essence and the value of life. The World Peace and Understanding Day is a genuine effort to understand the value and importance of life and peace in society.On World Peace and Understanding Day, there are various activities and events organized to promote peace and understanding among peopleby the students of the department of education. These activities include Collage Making Competitions, Cartooning, Poster making and slogan Writing.
Vansika student of B.Sc (ECCE) second semester gave a presentation on the history of World Peace and Understanding Day, Tanisha presented a self-made documentary on peace education and gave the message of slogan on Mahatma Gandhi ji "Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances." The documentary highlights issues that have a universal value which includes literacy, education, economic and cultural balance, community development, eradication of poverty, sanitation encouragement of the development, prevention of diseases, assurance of equality, maternal-child health, conflict prevention, peace, etc. Augmenting humanitarian undertakings is the essence of the contributions given by the World peace and understanding day celebration. Saving humanity has become the main motive for mutual growth and development. The day is the celebration by and for mankind and to turn ourselves a better.
Dr (Prof) Deepa Sikand Kauts, Dean, Faculty of Education congratulated the students of the department for their incredible efforts in celebrating World Peace and Understanding Day with such meaningful activities. In Collage making competition student of B.ScB.Ed (ITEP) Sem-2 , Ms. Prachi Das bagged the first position while second by Jaideep Kaur B.Sc.B.Ed (ITEP) , In cartooning contest the first prize goes to Jashanpreet Kaur B.Com.B.Ed (ITEP) Second semester student while the second to Soumya MrugrajB.ScB.Ed (ITEP) Sem-2nd and third to Vanni, B.Sc.B.Ed (ITEP) Second Semester student. In poster making filed first prize won by Divya B.Sc (ECCE) second semester student second by Kajal B.A. B.Ed (ITEP) second semester and Jagheer Kaur MakkadB.Com.B.Ed (ITEP) second semester student And third by Sonia Choudary B.Sc.B.Ed (ITEP) second semester and Vanni Sharma M.Ed Second semester student. In slogan writing competition, the student of Sukhmanpreet Kaur B.Sc.B.Edsecond semester bagged the first position while second by Jashandeep Kaur B, Sc. B.Ed (ITEP) second semester and third were won by Kiranjeet Kaur B.Sc.B.Ed (ITEP) second semester student. Human being by spreading colour in society.
The program was concluded by reciting National Anthem. All the students of the Department of Education and faculty members were present there