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PS Gahlaut Emphasizes Precision Farming as the Key to India's Transition from Green Revolution to Evergreen Revolution

PUNJAB NEWS EXPRESS | October 06, 2023 01:04 PM

Dr. PS Gahlaut, Managing Director of Indian Potash Limited, highlights the transition in agricultural practices from the Green Revolution to the "Evergreen Revolution, " with a focus on precision farming as a crucial factor in this transition.

India's journey from the Green Revolution in the 1965s is a testament to the nation's resilience and adaptability in the face of mounting food security challenges. The Green Revolution, initiated in the 1965s, brought about a quantum leap in agricultural productivity characterized by the adoption of modern farming technologies such as high-yielding crop varieties, synthetic fertilizers, and pesticides. It represents a shift in agricultural strategies and goals, emphasizing sustainability, diversification, and long-term ecological balance. However, with the burgeoning population and environmental concerns from then to now, there arose a need for a more sustainable and technologically advanced approach - thus giving birth to the concept of the Evergreen Revolution, of which precision farming stands as a pivotal cornerstone.

Parvinder Singh Gahlaut, Managing Director of Indian Potash Limited, As the population of India continues to rise, the adoption of precision farming practices becomes not just an option, but a necessity, in ensuring food security for generations to come. Precision farming represents a paradigm shift in agriculture, leveraging technology and data to revolutionize the way we cultivate our crops. By focusing on efficient resource management, increased yields, soil health, environmental sustainability, and economic benefits, precision farming offers a holistic approach to modern agriculture.”

Green Revolution Created a Paradigm Shift in Agriculture

The Green Revolution was a series of agricultural advancements aimed at boosting crop yields. It entailed the introduction of high-yielding varieties (HYVs) of seeds, along with the adoption of modern irrigation techniques, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides. This concerted effort led to a significant increase in food production and transformed India from a food-deficit nation to one that was largely self-sufficient.

“While the Green Revolution undeniably achieved remarkable success, catapulting crops like wheat and rice to unprecedented levels of growth, it also ushered in a period of erroneous population expansion and escalating demands. In response, the imperative for modern, technologically advanced tools and resources became evident, giving rise to the concept of precision farming, ” mentions Dr. PS Gahlaut.

The Need for an Evergreen Revolution

As the decades passed, it became evident that sustaining the gains of the Green Revolution was becoming increasingly challenging. India faced a growing population, depleting natural resources, and the looming specter of climate change. These factors necessitated a shift towards a more sustainable, resilient and environment friendly agricultural model - giving rise to the concept of the Evergreen Revolution. Precision farming, also known as precision agriculture, emerged as a beacon of hope in India's quest for sustainable agriculture. It leverages cutting-edge technology and data-driven practices to optimize inputs while maximizing output. At its core, precision farming is about using information technology, satellite imagery, GPS and other tools to make informed decisions at every stage of the farming process.


Precision Farming: The Vanguard of the Evergreen Revolution

  • Resource Efficiency: By precisely targeting inputs, precision farming reduces wastage of water, fertilizers and pesticides, leading to cost savings and environmental conservation.
  • Improved Crop Yields: Optimized practices lead to higher yields and better-quality produce, which is crucial for meeting the demands of India's burgeoning population.
  • Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship: Precision farming minimizes the ecological footprint of agriculture, preserving natural resources and mitigating the impact on ecosystems.
  • Climate Resilience: With climate change posing increasing challenges, precision farming techniques offer adaptability and resilience in the face of uncertain weather patterns.

The transition from the Green Revolution to the Evergreen Revolution, with precision farming at its helm, exemplifies India's commitment to sustainable agriculture. By harnessing the power of technology and data-driven decision-making, precision farming not only ensures food security but also safeguards the environment for future generations. It is imperative that policymakers, farmers, and stakeholders continue to support and invest in this transformative approach, as it holds the key to a more prosperous, resilient, and ecologically balanced agricultural future for India.

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