KAITHAL: BJP state president Pandit Mohan Lal Kaushik, who reached Kaithal as part of the Jan Ashirwad contact campaign, said that there is uneasiness among the Congress leaders due to the poor's son Naib Saini becoming the Chief Minister. The people of the opposition are getting upset due to the poor welfare announcements issued by the Chief Minister and the work being done by him, while every section of Haryana is becoming happy due to the work being done by the Nayab government.
The people of Haryana have made up their mind to form the BJP government in the state for the third time under the leadership of Naib Saini.
The state president was addressing the meeting of workers at the party office Kapil Kamal on Monday. On reaching Kaithal, State President Pandit Mohan Lal Kaushik was given a grand welcome and greeted with flower garlands by the workers at Vrindavan Garden Kaithal and Brahmin Dharamshala. The workers made the entire atmosphere BJP-like by raising slogans of Bharat Mata Ki Jai, Modi-Naib Zindabad, Pandit Mohan Lal Kaushik Zindabad. Delighted with the welcome and greetings, the State President thanked the workers and said that this honor is an honor for the workers. Before the welcome ceremony, the State President also participated in the Tiranga Yatra with the students of BPR School, Pundri.
While talking to the journalists after the welcome ceremony and the meeting of the workers, Pandit Mohan Lal Kaushik said that the BJP workers have started preparing for the assembly elections. Many programs of BJP are going on, meetings are being held at assembly, district and booth level. Our workers are working to take the public welfare schemes of Chief Minister Nayab Saini to every home. He claimed that due to the hard work of the workers and public blessings, it is certain that the BJP government will be formed for the third time.
Pandit Mohan Lal said that BJP is a farmer friendly government. CM Saini has announced to buy 24 crops at MSP. The poor have been given the benefit of free transportation up to 1000 kilometers. Now, Chief Minister Saini has also given a guarantee that farmers will not have to pay money if the electricity transformer gets damaged. The Chief Minister has also waived off the outstanding amount of Rs 133 crore of Abiana in the interest of farmers.
BJP state president said that in the last 10 years our government has laid a network of roads, highways and expressways. Every poor person is getting the benefits of Ayushman and Chirayu Card Scheme. BJP has taken full care of farmers, youth, poor and women. For the first time in the history of Haryana, the Deputy Government has done the historic work of securing the jobs of 1 lakh 20 thousand contractual employees. Congress has never done good to such a large number of employees. He said that as the demands of the public come, Chief Minister Nayab Saini is serving them wholeheartedly and fulfilling them.
On a question asked by the journalist, the State President said that we have conducted opinion polling in 90 assemblies on Sunday itself. Suggestions have been taken from the workers for the names of the candidates contesting the elections. He said that BJP is a party of workers and workers are given full respect and honor.
On the question asked on Hisab Maange of Congress Yatra, Pandit Mohan Lal Kaushik said that in 2014, 2019, the people of the state had given account to Congress and in 2024 also the people will give account to Congress only. He said that the people of Haryana have not forgotten the loot and black deeds of Congress. On the manifesto, Mr. Kaushik said that a manifesto committee will be formed soon. We have recently announced the Election Committee and Election Management Committee. MLA Kamlesh Dhanda, Munish Kathwad, General Secretary Amarpal Rana were present during the press conference