KAITHAL: While investigating the case of cheating of Rs 44 lakh on the pretext of getting a job, the accused Kuldeep, resident of village Narwalgarh, was arrested by the team of SI Rajkumar of Economic Cell.
Police spokesperson said that according to the complaint of Virendra Singh, resident of Ujhana village of Jind, he is working as a data entry operator in the Fire Department, Panchkula. One day he met Kuldeep Kaithal, a resident of village Narwalgarh. He told that he will get any unemployed person a government job in D Group Haryana. Kuldeep assured that no matter how many men you have, he will get them jobs. He accepted the words of the accused and gave Rs 15 lakh each to Kuldeep to get his friend Vijendra's daughter and niece posted in Delhi Police and Rs 7 lakh to Kuldeep in Kaithal to get his relative Malkit's brother posted in Group D. Apart from this, Rs 7 lakh was given to Kuldeep to get relative Joginder placed in Haryana Group D.
After that he contacted Kuldeep and the accused Kuldeep became reluctant. When she became suspicious and talked to the accused about the money, the accused several times assured to return the money, but later absolutely refused. The accused said that if you complain anywhere and ask for money again, he will kill you. By doing this the accused has defrauded her to the tune of Rs 44 lakh. Regarding which a case was registered in the Civil Lines police station. Police remand for 6 days has been obtained from the court for comprehensive interrogation of the accused and recovery.